How to Clean and Maintain Your Vectrex

  • By: Richard Moszkowski
  • Date: March 21, 2023
  • Time to read: 4 min.

If you’re a Vectrex gamer, you know how unique and exciting this console is. With its built-in vector monitor and innovative controller design, the Vectrex is a beloved classic among retro gaming enthusiasts. To keep your Vectrex in top condition and ensure optimal performance and longevity, it’s important to know how to clean and maintain it properly.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your Vectrex console, you’ll need to gather the necessary supplies. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • DeoxIT
  • Q-tips
  • Compressed air
  • Anti-static brush
  • Plastic-safe cleaner
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Microfiber cloth

Make sure to use these specific supplies to avoid damaging your console during the cleaning process.

Step 2: Disassemble Your Vectrex Console

To clean your Vectrex console properly, you’ll need to disassemble it. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Unplug your Vectrex console from the power source and let it cool down for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Remove the four screws located on the bottom of the console using a Phillips head screwdriver.
  3. Lift the console’s outer casing off carefully.
  4. Remove the circuit boards and controller ports from the console.

Make sure to handle all components with care to avoid damaging them.

Step 3: Clean the Circuit Boards and Contacts

The circuit boards and contacts inside your Vectrex console can accumulate dirt and debris over time, leading to poor performance. Here’s how to clean them:

  1. Use compressed air to blow away any visible dirt and debris from the circuit boards and contacts.
  2. Apply isopropyl alcohol to a Q-tip and gently clean the circuit boards and contacts. Make sure to let them dry before moving on to the next step.
  3. Apply DeoxIT to a Q-tip and gently clean the circuit boards and contacts again. Let them dry before reassembling the console.

Step 4: Clean the Outer Casing

To keep your Vectrex console looking great, you’ll need to clean the outer casing. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any visible dirt and debris from the outer casing.
  2. Apply a plastic-safe cleaner to a microfiber cloth and gently wipe down the outer casing.
  3. Wipe down the outer casing with a clean microfiber cloth.

Step 5: Reassemble Your Vectrex Console

Once you’ve cleaned all components of your Vectrex console, it’s time to reassemble it. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Reattach the circuit boards and controller ports to the console.
  2. Place the console’s outer casing back onto the console.
  3. Reattach the four screws located on the bottom of the console using a Phillips head screwdriver.

Make sure to reassemble your console carefully to avoid damage or malfunction.

Step 6: Maintenance Tips

To keep your Vectrex console in top condition, it’s important to perform regular maintenance. Here are some tips:

  • Clean and dust your console regularly to avoid buildup of dirt and debris.
  • Avoid exposing your console to moisture or extreme temperatures.
  • Use an anti-static brush to remove dust and debris from the console.


By following these steps and tips, you can keep your Vectrex console in top condition and enjoy optimal performance and longevity. Make sure to clean and maintain your console regularly to ensure that it remains a beloved classic among retro gaming enthusiasts.


Can I clean my Vectrex console without disassembling it?

A: While it is possible to clean some parts of your Vectrex console without disassembling it, it’s best to disassemble it to clean it properly. This will allow you to clean the circuit boards and contacts, which can accumulate dirt and debris over time and lead to poor performance.

Is it safe to use compressed air to clean my Vectrex console?

A: Yes, it is safe to use compressed air to clean your Vectrex console. However, make sure to hold the can of compressed air at a safe distance from the console and use short bursts to avoid damaging the components inside.

Can I use any type of cleaner to clean my Vectrex console?

No, it’s important to use a plastic-safe cleaner to clean your Vectrex console. Using a cleaner that isn’t safe for plastic surfaces can damage the outer casing of your console.

How often should I clean and maintain my Vectrex console?

It’s a good idea to clean and maintain your Vectrex console regularly to ensure optimal performance and longevity. How often you clean and maintain it will depend on how frequently you use it and the conditions in which it is stored. As a general rule, you should clean and maintain it at least once a year.

Is it necessary to use DeoxIT to clean the circuit boards and contacts?

While it’s not absolutely necessary to use DeoxIT to clean the circuit boards and contacts, it can be a useful tool in removing any remaining dirt and debris and protecting the contacts from oxidation. However, make sure to use DeoxIT sparingly and follow the instructions on the package carefully.

Can I use a regular cloth to clean my Vectrex console?

No, it’s important to use a microfiber cloth to clean your Vectrex console. Using a regular cloth or paper towel can scratch the surface of the console and leave behind lint or fibers.

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